Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm not gothic, I promise.

Despite what first impressions may arise from my choices of background and words, I am not one who wears all black and is fearful of the world. I enjoy life and all the little pleasures it can bear. Yet, I am also of a mind that dwells in the abyss of spiritual and emotional turmoil. Some have said I linger to long in a world no human should tarry in. However, I believe that there are those of us who are unafraid to place our feet upon the paths that meander through the dark forests of the human soul.

We who take this journey sort through the suffering, the questioning, and find the lights of truth. You see, finding truth-if one is truely honest-is a dirty painful process that many simply refuse to participate in. Those individuals mask painful realities and burning questions with such mantras as the power of positive thinking. I refuse to deny my reflection, humanity's reflection for the inefficient and often combersome comforts of the light and fluffy hippie way of surviving. In my firmest opinion, this denial of what is obvious for the mirage of get happy quick schemes is the very foundation upon which all evil prevades.

So what am I attempting to say? What is the point of this rambling of a seemingly mad woman? I am one who enjoys the embrace of the night and all the sadistic creatures that lurk in her blanket. I do not worhip such evils. I merely have a deep understanding of who they are, where they come from, and what they most desire. Through understanding who they are I come to know who I am and once I comprehend my own shadow I can embark on the road towards God's eternal light.

Join me on this journey. Wipe away the mist and see the reflection staring back at you. Fall with me into the forbidden waters of taboo and wicked creatures. For once you understand who they are who will come to see that they are you and I. And when our journey through black waters and haunted wildernesses nears it's end, then we can step upon the golden road of light and truth.


  1. for the record-I could have sworn I spell checked but apparently did something wrong. oh well what the hell.

  2. I didn't notice any misspellings. Anyway, great start! I look forward to reading the rest of your entries :)
